Snake Bite Love | Motorhead |

Snake Bite Love

Testo Snake Bite Love

In the zoo, in the zoo
I wanna see the snakes
I don‘t want to see the lions
Or the gorillas or the apes
I want to see a python
Squeeze somebody tight
Or a Boa Constrictor
In the middle of the night

Snake hips boy, gonna lay you down
Gonna spoil your fun
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
He‘ll squeeze you ‘til you fit real good
Snake bite love, snake bite love
In the jungle, in the jungle
I don‘t wanna see the trees
I don‘t wanna see the flowers
Or the beetles or the bees
I wanna see an Anaconda
Coiled in the gloom
Suffocate an alligator,
Beneath a tropical moon

Snake hips boy, gonna lay you down
Gonna bite your ass
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
Slide over, you‘re just like a glove
Snake bite love, snake bite love
n the summer, in the summer
I don‘t wanna see the plants
I don‘t wanna see the termites
Or the rabbits or the ants
I wanna see a cobra,
Inflate his scary hood
And bite the unsuspecting,
I think that‘s really good

Snake hips boy, gonna lay you down
Gonna lose his skin
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
He‘ll squeeze you ‘til you fit real good
Snake bite love, snake bite love
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
Don‘t tread on him when he‘s around
Forked tongue make you feel so good
Snake bite love, snake bite love

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